Harlands Primary School

School Uniform

From September 2024 a new uniform policy comes into effect.  Please download the policy for full details of what is expected and where the uniform may be obtained.

Please note that for our children due to start in Reception in September 2024, we would advise delaying on the purchase of any PE kit, as this will not normally be needed until later in the year and children may have grown.

Updated June 2024



  • A limited supply of secondhand uniform is  available from a cabinet in the school Office area (for a small donation).  If you cannot find something suitable, please ask a member of the Office team as we may be able to find an appropriate item from the (larger) store held by the PTA.
  • Harlands PTA organise regular second-hand uniform sales from time to time, and information is published on the school newsletter.

Please ensure that all items brought to school, including clothing, school bags, water-bottles, lunchboxes and glasses cases, are labelled with the child's name.

 Updated July 2023