Harlands Primary School

Special Educational Needs

What is a Special Educational Need?

A child or young person has a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

A child or young person is considered to have a learning difficulty or disability if they: “Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age”. (Code of Practice 2014)

At Harlands we recognise that every child is unique and understand that every child has the right to equal opportunities and treatment.  Our Inclusion Team, headed by Mrs Olivia Kerse, work to ensure that all SEND children reach their potential regardless of their ability or disability.

Please follow the link to the SEND Code of Practice below.


The Local Offer

The purpose of the local offer is to provide a central resource for parents and young people, with information about what services are available and how to access them.  The local offer also includes guidance for parents and young people when they need to speak with practitioners and professionals.

The link to the local offer is here:


Principles for SEND/Inclusion provision at Harlands

  • A child is valued equally, irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, physical or mental ability.
  • A child with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND) is offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education for the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculums, including all aspects of our teaching and learning. There is a focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning. 
  • Identification of a child’s needs will be undertaken as soon as possible in accordance with the Code of Practice 2014.
  • There will be collaboration between Harlands and health and social care services wherever this is necessary for the benefit of a child.
  • The views of a child with SEND will be taken into account.
  • The parents of a child with special educational needs or a disability will be involved in close co-operation with the school, working in partnership for the benefit of the child.
  • The support and resources of outside agencies will be sought when relevant to the progress of a child.
  • There will be many children who may need a specific intervention to access the curriculum fully at some point in their school career.  This may or may not be considered a special educational need.


All children will receive (Universal Offer):

  • Quality First Teaching by their Class Teacher
  • Access to multi-sensory resources
  • Opportunities for small group and individual support to support their learning
  • On-going assessment to monitor progress and attainment
  • Creative Curriculum adapted to take account of the needs of children.


Some children will receive (Targeted support):

  • Small group or 1:1 intervention run by a Teaching assistant and focusing on areas of needs or gaps in learning. See list of interventions on offer.
  • Additional support at lunchtimes through a range of lunchtime opportunities.
  • Additional equipment as needed, including pencil grips; sensory resources; access to technology.


A few children will receive (Specialist Support):

  • Timetabled access to Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy support, as directed by the outside agencies.
  • Individual timetable of support.
  • Access to more specialist equipment.


At Harlands, we use Rosenshine’s ‘Principles of Instruction’ to challenge and inspire our pupils through targeted questioning, guided student practice, and regular review.

Organisation around SEND

‘Leaders and teaching staff know all pupils well; particularly those identified as disadvantaged and SEND.  They are clear about what needs to happen for all pupils; including those in vulnerable groups, to make good progress and their potential barriers to learning.’

‘In classrooms there was a culture of inclusive practice.’

‘Across the school there is a philosophy in their approach to ensuring all pupils achieve well.  Pupil strengths are celebrated and developed using a variety of strategies.  Pupils with special needs are effectively integrated into all learning opportunities.’

School Improvement Adviser Visit Report, Spring Term 2018

The most important relationship a child has in school to support their learning is with their class teacher.

At times in their educational career, children may have learning needs which are different from the majority of their age group.  The emphasis is on the identification of any learning difficulties at the earliest age so that appropriate help can be given.  Teachers provide classroom support tailored to needs of individual pupils, which may include differentiated learning activities and support.

For those who need extra support, teachers and teaching assistants may work with individuals and small groups.  These interventions may include:

  • Maths catch-up sessions
  • Spellings support and revision groups
  • Additional guided reading groups
  • Toe-by-Toe
  • Handwriting practice
  • Clicker7 spelling and writing support
  • Reading Dogs Therapy
  • Pirate Writing (Year 3/4)
  • Creative writing (Year 5/6)
  • Maths setting (largely in Key Stage 2)
  • Transition support to secondary school (Year 6)
  • 1-to-1 pastoral care support and mentoring
  • Small group pastoral care support

Needs and ongoing Assessment of SEND

Class teachers will monitor, observe and record concerns and discuss these with the Inclusion Leader and in some cases the head teacher.  There will be a regular dialogue between the class team and the Inclusion Leader so that interventions are appropriate and timely.  Parents will be kept informed of the schools concerns and process for assessment of these concerns.  If appropriate, an ILP (Individual Learning Plan) will be devised and reviewed on a regular basis.  An ILP is used for planning teaching and reviewing provision that is additional or different from the differentiated class curriculum plan. This includes appropriate differentiation for the specific child and/or any strategies for the classroom or home environment.  An ILP is used as a working document for all staff involved, and also includes the participation of parents and children.  This collaborative approach is aimed at achieving specific learning goals for the child.

In some cases, we may involve further specialised help in assessing a child’s needs.  If parents have concerns about their child’s progress they can talk with the Inclusion Leader or the class teacher.

In exceptional circumstances, and after substantial evidence collecting, the school may request an assessment for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for a child from the Local Authority if ILP reviews and specialist intervention demonstrate insufficient progress.  The school Inclusion Leader supports parents through this process.

Useful Resources to support SEND

 Updated September 2021